Character - xPav


Character xPav
Guild SLAVIC_POWER | Level 5
Level 100
Race Europe
Job Hunter Hunter | Level 25
ItemPoints 247
LastLogout 2024-05-20 18:05


Ethereal Cane [+12]

Seal of Moon
Sort of item: Light staff
Degree: 10 degrees

Mag. atk. pwr. 4359 ~ 5009 (+61%)
Durability 202/209 (+9%)
Attack rating 310 (+61%)
Critical 2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 471 % ~ 575.7 % (+61%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Durability 160% Increase
Attack rate 60% Increase
Int 7 Increase
Str 7 Increase
Blocking ratio 100 Increase
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Steady (1 Time/times)
Astral (1 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Guardian Aegis [+12]

Seal of Moon
Sort of item: Shield
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 292.9 (+61%)
Mag. def. pwr. 468.7 (+61%)
Durability 242/248 (+38%)
Blocking rate 20 (+80%)
Phy. reinforce 327.5 (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 523.1 (+61%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Durability 160% Increase
Int 7 Increase
Str 7 Increase
Critical 100
Steady (2 Time/times)
Immortal (1 Time/times)
Astral (1 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]


Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff Buff

Last 5 Unique Kills

Unique Name ago
Geenie (INT) 48 days
Geenie (INT) 52 days
Geenie (INT) 57 days
Geenie (INT) 57 days
Geenie (INT) 57 days