Character - SmokySm0ke


Character SmokySm0ke
Level 96
Race Europe
Job Thief Thief | Level 2
ItemPoints 1072
LastLogout 2024-08-11 22:16


Taurus Disaster Cane

Sort of item: Dark staff
Degree: 10 degrees

Mag. atk. pwr. 2221 ~ 2715 (+0%)
Durability 135/146 (+0%)
Attack rating 115 (+0%)
Critical 2 (+100%)
Mag. reinforce 378 % ~ 462 % (+0%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Guardian Aegis [+2]

Seal of Moon
Sort of item: Shield
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 229.2 (+29%)
Mag. def. pwr. 361.2 (+0%)
Durability 98/101 (+29%)
Blocking rate 14 (+25%)
Phy. reinforce 317.2 (+29%)
Mag. reinforce 504.7 (+25%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Critical 9
Durability 10% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Valor Coronet [+5]

Seal of Star
Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Head
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 205.1 (+25%)
Mag. def. pwr. 327.7 (+19%)
Durability 200/207 (+12%)
Parry rate 26 (+0%)
Phy. reinforce 28.34 (+61%)
Mag. reinforce 45.69 (+19%)

Reqiure level 91

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
HP 850 Increase
MP 850 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Durability 160% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Cetus Valor Alette

Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Shoulder
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 123.5 (+25%)
Mag. def. pwr. 196.2 (+12%)
Durability 77/83 (+22%)
Parry rate 14 (+6%)
Phy. reinforce 20.9 (+48%)
Mag. reinforce 33.5 (+3%)

Reqiure level 94

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Str 1 Increase
Int 7 Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Valor Composite Mail [+5]

Seal of Star
Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Chest
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 273.7 (+29%)
Mag. def. pwr. 436.8 (+22%)
Durability 79/84 (+22%)
Parry rate 51 (+29%)
Phy. reinforce 36.27 (+29%)
Mag. reinforce 62.44 (+54%)

Reqiure level 92

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 850 Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Valor Glove [+5]

Seal of Star
Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Hands
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 154.5 (+51%)
Mag. def. pwr. 242.2 (+12%)
Durability 215/219 (+25%)
Parry rate 24 (+16%)
Phy. reinforce 20.86 (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 34.61 (+29%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Int 7 Increase
Str 7 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Durability 160% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Taurus Valor Composite Tasset [+5]

Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Legs
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 170.3 (+0%)
Mag. def. pwr. 272.8 (+0%)
Durability 190/192 (+0%)
Parry rate 26 (+0%)
Phy. reinforce 24.6 (+0%)
Mag. reinforce 41.3 (+0%)

Reqiure level 92

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Str 7 Increase
Int 7 Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
HP 850 Increase
MP 850 Increase
Durability 160% Increase

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Valor Boots [+5]

Seal of Star
Sort of item: Light armor
Mounting part: Foot
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. def. pwr. 196.6 (+61%)
Mag. def. pwr. 314.9 (+61%)
Durability 206/211 (+16%)
Parry rate 42 (+41%)
Phy. reinforce 26.16 (+41%)
Mag. reinforce 44.88 (+61%)

Reqiure level 91

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Durability 160% Increase
Parry rate 60% Increase
Int 7 Increase
Str 7 Increase
Steady (2 Time/times)

Advanced elixir is in effect [+2]
Taurus Amber Earring

Sort of item: Earrings
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 22.5 (+0%)
Mag. absorption 22.5 (+0%)

Reqiure level 91

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Taurus Amber Necklace

Sort of item: Necklace
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 26.7 (+64%)
Mag. absorption 26.7 (+61%)

Reqiure level 92

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Taurus Amber Ring

Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 20.5 (+0%)
Mag. absorption 20.5 (+0%)

Reqiure level 90

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.
Cetus Amber Ring

Sort of item: Ring
Degree: 10 degrees

Phy. absorption 21.4 (+0%)
Mag. absorption 21.4 (+3%)

Reqiure level 94

Max. no. of magic options: 12 Unit

Able to use Advanced elixir.


Assassin Hat

Sort of item: Avatar Hat


Max. no. of magic options: 2 Unit

Str 1 Increase
Parry rate 5% Increase
Buff Buff Buff